“When you hire a financial advisor, ask yourself what you’re getting versus what they’re getting”
- Melissa Lessard, Operations & Client Service
Aspen Leaf Wealth Management, PBC
Fees are based on a percentage of your household account balance invested in our model portfolios. We believe this structure best aligns our collective interests.
Assets Managed Fee
Up to $999,999 1.00%/year
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999 0.85%/year
$2,000,000 - $2,999,999 0.70%/year
$3,000,000 + 0.60%/year
According to Vanguard, a good financial advisor can add 3% in annual value. Here’s how.
According to Morningstar, the average fund fee has decreased 71% over the last decade. We’ll help you get there with our portfolio model average fund “expense ratio”of only 0.22%.
Our software looks for rebalancing opportunities daily.
This is the “talk me down from the ledge” phenomenon when most investors bail on their long term strategy during market declines.
From an after tax perspective, it matters which types of investments are placed in different accounts.
From an “after tax” perspective”, it matters which account(s) an investor taps first in retirement.
Not sure if we can add value in excess of our fee?
Get in touch with us and be open to sharing your statements and tax returns. If we can’t add value beyond our fee we won’t ask for your business.